Lata Velha Discord Bot

I’ve recently spent some time writing a simple discord bot, which I call “Lata Velha”. The bot was inspired by a discord server where, in the “random” channel, a bot would serve drinks to users (usually tea) and respond to “good day/good night”. I wanted to reproduce that in my own personal server. I know […]

Re: Celebrating Tiny Milestones

Oh look, another wonderful post by Julia Evans, this time about “Celebrate tiny learning milestones”. In this post she explains how she thinks about her learning process as a series of tiny challenges, where learning happens one little discovery at a time. I think this is a really wonderful way to think about discovery. In […]

Tiny Projects for Learning Programming

Julian Evans wrote a wonderful blog post about tiny programming projects. They are things like scrapping the webpage of a festival to make a calendar, or generating crossword from text files. I too love writing these little, single use programs. I think this is why I like teaching intro to programming and doing programming contests […]

I’ve made a discord server!

I have recently made a small discord server to kick back and relax. Talk about video games, talk shit about work, share memes, etc, with people that I know. This server will not be public, but if you care enough to read this blog, then you should probably join the server too! Put a comment […]