“The Planet Crafters” – a cool janky game about terraforming

This week is the Obon holiday, and I spent some (too much) of my vacation time playing this little game called “The Planet Crafter”.

Screenshot of a 3D game, showing a blocky, futuristic-looking base on a green fields among brown mountains, under a blue sky.
My base at the end of the game.

The Planet Crafter is a 3D survival game where you gather resources and build a base to gather more resources. The gimmick of this game is that you have to terraform the planet you arrive at. In the beginning, the planet is cold, yellow, dusty and inhabitable. You build machines to add oxygen, heat and pressure, and slowly the planet changes – the sky becomes blue, ice melts into water, and eventually plants start to spread.

The changes are not only cosmetic — Improving the air increases your view as the dust settles. The ice melting opens caves and new areas of the map. As the water melts, some parts of the planet become flooded. Roots and trees break down rocks and also give access to new areas. Eventually, you do not need to track your O2 and water closely, as you can get them directly from the planet.

Screenshot from the game The Planet Crafter. A 3D view of an orange, inhospitable alien terrain.
The view when you first leave your landing pod, at the start of the game.

This is the best idea of the game, and it is very well done. You really do feel the planet changing, and it is a very nice feeling when an area you visited only once early in the game is completely changed after some terraforming.

That said, the game is very janky, and far from a master piece. Collision is a mess, and you’ll be frequently clipping into terrain and risking getting stuck, or being unclear how to get to some place (or if that place is even accessible). The line between finding a hidden cave and clipping into the back of the play area is very thin indeed here. The models, other than the terrain and nature, are kinda ugly. Finally, the terraforming machines are mostly magic boxes: you plop them down anywhere and wait for numbers to go up, with little to think about other than replacing the machines with the next tier when the time comes.

The beginning of the game plays a lot like a clicker game: You place machines that increase the values of O2, temperature and pressure, and as the values reach a certain thresholds, you replace them with higher tier machines. Eventually, these higher tier machines require rare materials, which require you to explore the world, navigating caves and shipwrecks for loot. This exploration becomes the largest part from the middle game to the end game. Finally, near the end game, you unlock the ability to explore random ruined shipwrecks. At this point though, you don’t really need the extra resources, except to unlock one specific ending that requires a lot of grinding. This grinding is not enjoyable at all, but I had a backlog of podcasts to listen to so…

All in all, I actually enjoyed the game, specially given the tiny size of the team (I believe the game was made by 3 or 4 people). The premise was really creative, and the gameplay was endearing, jank and all, up to until the insect stage of the game. I do wish the base building and the assembly of terraforming machines was a bit more interesting though.

A screenshot of The Planet Crafter game, showing the same base from the first screenshot, but from a different angle.
The huge planet in the skybox is really cool. Unfortunately, it does not move…

I wonder why street pass is not a thing on the Switch

Recently I’ve been playing a lot of “Etrian Odyssey Remastered” on Switch. A lot of people compare this game with the DS originals regarding the mapping, which is the main charm of the series. I’ve been thinking a lot about the game’s street pass feature in the 3DS.

Street pass was a feature where a 3DS could see if another 3DS was nearby, and then exchange information if they had the same games in the memory. What information changed depended on the game. In Etrian Odyssey, you could mark one of your characters to send, which other people could add to their party. In Animal Crossing, other people’s villagers could come visit your island. In Rhythm Heaven, you could get statistics and ghosts of other players. Even if you didn’t have any games in common, the 3DS included a standard functionality where you could get the home country and region of people that you connected with, and you could do a kind of “scavenge hunt”, trying for example to street pass with people from all provinces in Japan, or all countries in Europe.

Street pass was a really fun feature of the 3DS. I loved to go for a walk with my DS in my back, and look forward to what the Street pass would bring me when I was back home. It gave an extra flavor to go on local trips. There were even a few places in Tokyo were people gathered just to street place with each other — I remember going to the little benches in front of Yodobashi Akihabara to get the Dragon Quest street pass from other people (I don’t even remember what the street pass was, though… maybe random dungeons?).

I’m a bit puzzled, and sad, about why the feature was not added to the Switch, though… I wonder if later games in the 3DS stopped using it, and Nintendo felt it did not made sense to add it to the Switch, or if it was a battery saving measure…

Keyboard Fixing Failed!

Tonight my wife asked me for help fixing the keyboard of her notebook. One of the keys was stuck, and not being pressed correctly. Playing with the notebook, it was clear that something was stuck under the key. Ideally, all I had to do was to pop the key off, inspect what was wrong inside, and pop it back in.

The problem was: I had never popped a keyboard key before, neither did she, and we were both stumped.

A little bit of searching for her laptop model and “key” and “exchange” led us to this Youtube video.

Screenshot of the Youtube Video mentioned in the post. The video's title is "How To Fix Replace Keyboard Key for Lenovo Ideapad - Individual Key Repair - Letter Arrow Etc"

The video was actually quite easy to follow, and filled me with confidence. Out of an abundance of caution, I first tried the procedure on two “dead” laptops I had on hand – an old mouse laptop, and an out of commission laptop of the same brand as the target computer. In both cases, I managed to remove and reinsert the key a few times without almost any issue.

Feeling confident, I tried the procedure on my wife’s computer… it seemed to work, at first, but when I tried to put the key back into place, the bottom part would not stick. The top of the key was affixed correctly, but the bottom of the key was loose and pushing up, which made matters worse than when we first started. :-(

I tried to remove and reinsert the key a few times, with identical results. As far as I could tell from a visual inspection, all parts seemed to be in place and not broken, so I’m not sure what went wrong… I guess we’ll have to take the computer to a nearby shop tomorrow or the day after to get someone who know what they’re doing to take a look at it :-(

Oh well. We try things. Sometimes they even work!

Hello 2024!

A pico8 animation. A green dragon flies over a body of water, against a morning sky. Mountains and trees scroll in the background. The words "Happy New Year" wave at the top.

Like last year, I spent the morning of January 1st working on this little animation. But other than that, 2022 and 2023 were really different.

If 2022 for me was not bad, not great, 2023 was… well, let’s start with the good. Several posters and papers in GECCO and ALIFE was good. Being active in the Artificial Life Newsletter was good. I started taking more care of my health, with visible results.

Somewhere around August, though, I feel like I lost control. Too many things happened at once, and I started feeling like I was falling behind and playing catch-up on everything, personal and work-wise; choosing what I could afford to leave by the wayside.

My naturalization process didn’t progress at all this year. I did very little programming. Besides the papers (which were submitted in March), research feels in a rut. RPG too. Journaling or blogging are distant dreams. In short, the later half of 2023 feels like a wasted blur.

So the overall feeling is this need to center myself and turn these things around. Be more active and less reactive in the work and personal arenas. Even as I say that, I still feel reluctant to set clear goals for this year.

But maybe I can start by building a proper emergency kit this weekend, given the huge earthquake we had today the west coast.


Permacomputing (link to permacomputing wiki) is a movement/aesthetic about computer systems that are sustainable / resilient. It is a response to the idea of eternal growth in the area of technology.

I learned about this term a few weeks ago on mastodon. I can’t find the link anymore, but it was a blog post about the failure of the free software movement, describing permacomputing as its spiritual successor. This week I had the time to give a good read at the permacomputing wiki, and I found it exceedingly interesting.

For a while I have been worried about things like planned obsolescence, eternal growth, scaling as the only way of progress, bloat, conspicuous consumerism, etc. While computer systems in my youth felt like something that could free and raise people as individuals, today they feel wasteful, uncaring and asphyxiating. On the other hand, I have been attracted to aesthetics that see computing as smaller, simpler, more connected with our physicality and ecology. However, this has always been a very lonely feeling — I have always thought that these dreams were pure nostalgia, me being “an old man shouting at clouds”. Learning about permacomputing made me realize that there were people thinking about the same things, and in much deeper and more proactive way. It was a nice feeling.

Reading through the wiki, I came across many terms and concepts that I have seen among people working on Alife, such as alternative forms of computing, like DNA and fungal computing, and robust systems, like Dave Ackley’s T2 project. I wonder if this is something that some people in the alife community has engaged with (even though there are also some in that community that embrace the eternal growth mindset). Something to look forward in Hokkaido later this year. The term Unconventional Computing in the wiki was a nice throwback to my PhD years, since I remember once participating in an “Unconventional Computing” workshop at Todai, just because the name felt interesting. Back then, the concepts were way out of my depth, and I didn’t get a lot out of it. Maybe it is time to revisit it.

Indeed, although as a global movement, permacomputing seems very utopian (more so than the Free Software Movement must have felt back when it was proposed), it also feels like it matches my primordial concepts about evolutionary computation and alife — how computation could behave as a pseudo-biological substrate for long term self-sufficient evolution — or how artificial creatures could find their own niche, and grow in their own direction, if given just the right kind of push. This idea seems to diverge from the permacomputing ethos in that it does not place humans in the center of the technological landscape, but I feel that merging computation and nature in a sustainable, evolving way, even (or specially) in the absence of humanity, is still an appealing dream.

Anyway, this might be worth studying more in the future as a disinfectant for the cynicism that grows out of the bleak techno-corporate environment that I feel myself immersed into these days. But let’s see if I still remember this in a month or so… (maybe I can plant these seeds in more fertile ground?)