Following the idea that “I should focus on things that I would be proud of”, my goal for today was to dive further into the study of neural networks for image segmentation, in order to prepare myself for a project that I will be tackling in January.
Narrator: “He did not dive into neural networks that day.”
To make a long story short, today I was abducted by my procrastinating habits. In the morning I noticed that there was a new chapter in the “Ward” online serial, at the same time that my RPG group started a discord discussion about rules for our next game. That itself would not have been too bad, except that after I cleared all of that, I somehow fell into the trap of re-reading old chapters of Worm. Suddenly, it was 20:00 and I did nothing this day.
To allow myself a tiny silver lining, in those last few hours I managed to scrounge myself the willpower to work through the Keras tutorials for CIFAR-10. Most tutorials I found were really crappy, so I ended up following the basic explanation from the docs and imitating my Pytorch CIFAR-10 tutorial using the Keras framework, which ended up being more educational. Both frameworks achieve the same result with similar networks, although Keras seems to train a tiny little bit faster.
Here is hoping that tomorrow I procrastinate less and spend more time grokking my student’s image segmentation code.