The Memex Method

In the age of huge content curators (Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon) what good is blogging anymore? Today I read this great column by Cory Doctorow, where he describes how blogging has helped his writing career. In the post, he also makes an analogy that really reverberated with me: the word “blogging”, originally a portmanteau of […]

Why “Intellectual Property” sucks – a recent case

Cory Doctorow from BoingBoing has recently discussed the case of Landmark Digital Services (Creators of “Shazam”, an audio fingerprinting tool) threatening a guy who was discussing how to implement an audio-fingerprinting algorithm. To make a long story short, Landmark Digital Services (“Shazam”), accused Roy van Rjin of infringing on their patents by discussing how audio-fingerprinting […]