Off to A2!

Tomorrow I’m taking the plane to Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, to take part in the “Genetic Programming Theory and Practice” workshop. I’m pretty excited about the opportunity – there will be some of the bigger names in GP theory participating, and the structure of the workshop (few participants, lots of time for presentation and discussion) […]

Happy Food

A few weeks ago, I got from a Couchsurfer a pack of Kangaroo meat as a present. In the package, there was an illustration of a herd of Kangaroos in the wild. That got me thinking about one of the things I find most surreal in our world. Have you ever noticed how many packages […]

Sleep Patterns

Today I woke up at 5:00AM because some Couchsurfers were leaving early to take a plane in Narita. Actually, I don’t mind it at all. I read some news on the net, put the trash out, and then after 1 hour went back to sleep. When I went back to sleep, however, I actually started […]

Getting to know Akiba

Recently I have become much more familiar with Tokyo’s electronic neighborhood Akihabara. A few months ago I would have problems finding the Star Kebab I liked so much (a small turkish shop for kebab based sandwiches), and I would have to run around the place three or four times whenever I wanted to find some […]

Too much – Too easy

I was talking to a friend who was couchsurfing in my place these days. She said she doesn’t like Skype, because since it is mostly free for the caller/callee, there is this semi-obligation to talk to the other party, all the time, for a long time. According to her, phone calls and letters cost money […]