Dealing myself a new Hand

So, finally, I’m done with my “Test” Thesis Defence. For those not used to the Japanese system of graduate studies, six months before you graduate, you need to perform a “mock examination”, where you do your thesis Defence in the same conditions as your final Defence, including to the same commitee. This committee will judge […]

Hating the rain…

After about three weeks of pretty good weather, it is raining again in Tokyo. I have a love-hate relationship with the rain, which includes much more hate than love, actually :-/. Walking out on the rain, with an umbrella over my head, makes all those blue, depressing feelings and thoughts assault me. I can’t really […]

Getting busy.

Late June, I wrote into my calendar “Thesis countdown – 6 months”. Today I stopped to consolitade my tasks, and just realized that I’m down to two and a half months until my first thesis deadline (the pre-thesis comitee – don’t really have a good name for this in english). Of course, I’m nowhere near […]