Scotty, beam me out of here!

So I’m leaving Japan.

After 6 years, I have finished my master and PhD at the University of Tokyo – in the last month, I was busy trying to find a place to work as a researcher, and generally preparing things for my trip. I will (probably) take a position as a researcher in Rio de Janeiro’s Federal University, in the COPPE engineering research institute. My new research is on using evolutionary computation to classify medical data obtained from a citometer — an applied theme that I hope I can talk about with more pride of “doing something useful” than my previous portfolio optimization research.

I say probably, though, because my status as a researcher is not yet confirmed. The supervising professor already said he wants me in his team to start as soon as possible, but the government research agency is dragging its feet to accept my documentation, and putting all sorts of bureaucratic roadblocks in my way. This is a taste of Brazilian’s nightmarish bureaucracy, and I wonder if I will be able to re-adapt to it, after years of the stupid, but very efficient, Japanese one.

There is a lot of stuff I’m gonna miss from Japan (or should I say Tokyo?), among them the easy access to any and all of the hobbies that I might want to have, the incredible convenience of life, and the absolute lack of need for a car. But I’m also looking forward a few things in Brazil — meeting my old university buddies, a more integrated and exciting research environment, etc. At least the changes in lifestyle will probably generate a lot of fodder for blog postings.

My short term plans are to go to the airport today, then spend a week at my mother’s house, then a week at my father’s house, before starting my research activities at Rio (although my activities have already sorta started with Matlab studies). I already have my place sorted out (I’m sharing an apartment with a friend), and I got some caches and people to meet in Rio (friends of my dance professor in Tokyo). Things I still need to sort out is how to get my RPG dosage in my new city, but a plan to convert my younger brother to the Hobby is already in motion.

I also got the best farewell present ever from Chaminda — and IEEE plush bear! Stay tuned from the pictures and more news when I get to the other side of the pond!

4 thoughts on “Scotty, beam me out of here!

  1. Oi Clausinho!
    Acho que consigo imaginar um pouco o que você sente ao deixar o Japão… O coração dividido entre duas realidades, cada uma com suas coisas boas. Acho que não existe o lugar totalmente perfeito para se viver, não é mesmo? Sempre vai ter alguma coisa que falta, saudade de algo ou alguém.
    Mas saudade indica também a experiência de algo bom, e essas experiências é que adicionam significado a nossa vida. Saudade é ruim mas é bom. :-)
    Eu desejo a você um ótimo “recomeço” no Brasil. Essas partes chatas de papelada vão passar logo. Desejo que seu trabalho seja motivante (pelo menos na maior parte do tempo), que você encontre novos bons amigos e que possa reencontrar os velhos também. Espero especialmente que você viva muitas experiências das quais vá sentir muita saudade no futuro.

    Um grande abraço, com muita saudade,

  2. Claus,
    Tudo de bom nessa nova etapa!!!!!!!!!
    Muito sucesso…
    P.s.: Espero te encontrar por ai…

  3. Caramba… Realmente foi um bom tempo no Japao…
    Muito sucesso pra voce ai no Rio!
    E boa sorte em atrair novos adeptos para debulhar monstros, pegar tesouros e fazer vc pensar “que p*** esses caras estao pensando em fazer!?”
    Live long and prosper.

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