Jimmy and the Lake Monster

Little Jimmy lived in a small town by a lake. One day, he went to the lake and saw a large monster coming out of the lake. The monster looked mean and hungry, and was walking toward’s Jimmy’s town.

Jimmy ran as fast as he could to his town, and shouted at the top of his lungs:
– HELP! HELP! An monster am coming from the water!

Three people (Ann, Bob and Charlie) came to see what the ruckus was about:
A> Jimmy, what did you say?
J> I said an monster am coming from the water! Help!
B> That sounds terrible!
C> Jimmy, you can’t say “an monster”, the correct way is “a monster”
B> But jimmy is young, he has the right to make such mistakes!
A> Right? Of course not, I learned how to talk properly, Jimmy should too! Also, what about the “am monster”?
B> Well, it is an accepted form in certain kinds of poetry and popular discourse, isn’t it? Little Jimmy is actually a culturally aware poet!
C> You can’t mean that, that is ridiculous!
B> You are oppressing Jimmy’s way of expressing himself!

J> Help! The monster am coming from the water!
C> What do you mean by water?
B> Maybe he means the lake?
A> But there is water in the sea too, how do you know the monster is not actually in the sea?
B> But even if the monster came from the sea, it would be a terrible happening to all of the world, wouldn’t it?
C> But the sea is so far away…
B> You are being too selfish! The people in the seaside town also deserve to be protected from monsters!
A> Well, if they want to be protected, maybe they should protect themselves… why should we protect them from sea monsters?
B> Because maybe now it is a sea monster, but next time it may be a grass monster, and come from the grass near our town!
A> I’m well protected against grass monsters. If you are worried, you should be protecting yourself.

About that time, the monster arrived and devoured Ann, Bob, Charlie, and Little Jimmy as well.

Many times, this is watch it feels like when I watch people debate politics.

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