My turn being a reviewer for GECCO

One silly thing that has always bugged me is that since I began participating in GECCO, back in 2008, I had never been invited as a reviewer. This is kind of a “first-world-problem”, because in general reviewing papers is a hard job with few rewards. In particular, conference review is extra thankless, since there is […]

Trying to build a habit

This week, I have been trying to build a habit. Every night, after returning home, I (1) Study Japanese for 1 hour, (2) write a blog post, (3) clear some of my old bookmarks. It has been hard, since I usually arrive very tired at home. I feel like spending some time browsing social media […]

Studying Japanese Again

These days I’ve been trying to pick up on my Japanese study again. Part of the requirements for me to take Japanese citizenship is that I need a Japanese level at least equivalent to that of a Japanese middle schooler, so I guess I’m trying to read books for middle school children… Honestly, I’m not […]

Master Thesis Defense, 2022

This week we had the Master Thesis defense, for students graduating in the CS program at the University of Tsukuba. There are about 140 defenses total, and I was invited to be a member of the committee for 8 of those. While I was reading the theses in preparation, I got curious about which professors […]