First Cold Day

Today was the first day I really felt cold outside. It was raining on and off, never too strong, but even with a good coat on I was feeling the cold sapping in. Yesterday rained pretty hard in Tokyo, and it was quite windy, so the leaves in Tokyo University had all fallen down. Many […]


Kaifuku, in Japanese, means “Restoration”, and this is what I’m feeling right now. For most of the month of October, specially the past two weeks, I have spend working on a Journal paper about my research. The cool thing about this paper is that it was a collaborative effort with Carlos Azevedo, from the University […]


Today was my first Rinkou class in this semester (Rinkou actually started last week, but I was too sick last friday to attend). Rinkou was probably one of the only constants since my second coming to Japan. From my two master years all the way to the end of my PhD, every friday morning during […]

Getting busy.

Late June, I wrote into my calendar “Thesis countdown – 6 months”. Today I stopped to consolitade my tasks, and just realized that I’m down to two and a half months until my first thesis deadline (the pre-thesis comitee – don’t really have a good name for this in english). Of course, I’m nowhere near […]