Zen Pencils

I got linked the other day to Zen Pencils, a page where the artist creates short comics to illustrate motivational quotes from famous people, such as Feynman, Picasso, Muhammad Ali and Carl Sagan. The hit/miss ratio is very high, and definitely worth a read. Not only the art is good, the quote selection is interesting, […]

Friends and Roommates

This week’s XKCD is cute: While not directly related, it makes me remember when I was an exchange student at Waseda University. I had this awesome korean roommate who would decorate our room, and I would try to make my side of the room to “match” with his. I really like this “living with roommates” […]

Another good SMBC strip

SMBC is among the comics that I read on a regular basis. As a friend of mine expertly described, SMBC strips are either absolutely inane, or absolutely genial — no in-betweens. Yesterday they published this one: The sad thing about this strip is that not only it is absolutely correct about the ¨pundit thinking¨, but […]