Another good SMBC strip

SMBC is among the comics that I read on a regular basis. As a friend of mine expertly described, SMBC strips are either absolutely inane, or absolutely genial — no in-betweens. Yesterday they published this one:

The sad thing about this strip is that not only it is absolutely correct about the ¨pundit thinking¨, but it is also absolutely incorrect about scientists not using it. In my academic life I have often read papers where statements are made based solely on the ¨I thought about it many times¨ reasoning. It is not malice; when your job is to think many ideas, and then put those ideas to test through experimentation, it is really hard not to get enamored to some of your more fascinating intellectual children. To put your beliefs through the ¨do I think this is true just because I thought it cool¨ test is a skill that must be developed and kept in practice, because it is not natural to our pattern-loving brain processes.

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