Two Months of Tsukuba

After two months working as an assistant professor in the University of Tsukuba, things are starting to shape up. After a short dry spell, I got plenty of research projects going on. A tutorial paper with my former advisor, an application of GA/GP for cancer research with a professor I met in Morocco and some […]

A little over my head

This was the end of my first week in Tsukuba University, and I am feeling waaaaay tired. There is just too much going on. My ex-supervisor in Brasil is contacting me with research results to analyze, my former japanese advisor wants me to make a presentation at his lab, my current professor wants me to […]

Tax Troubles

So far, I have been able to live on non taxable income (scholarships, fellowships, etc). So I never had to learn much about how taxation works. But now that I am working “for real” (not that I dont consider PhD to be real work), I had to learn how the income tax (among others) work […]

It begins

So I started my work as an assistant professor yesterday. The first day was quite uneventful. No big introductions or nomikais (whew!). My supervisor said hi and talked to me for a bit, then the secretary took me around the department and had me sign a large bunch of paper. I got a formal “you […]